Tag: adoption
Lily Was the Valley Pre-sale a Great Success
The Lily Was the Valley: Undone by Adoption pre-sale is complete. (I see this is the first time the official book cover has made an appearance on this site––the complete cover can be seen at the bottom of the post.) Just under $2400 (what I’d spent on the book by the beginning of the pre-sale) in reward-level purchases came in, containing a total of 230 softcover and ebook copies of the book! Thank you, pre-sale participants! I’ve been told that less than 2% of all books (self- and traditionally published) ever sell even one hundred copies… It’s been a great start.
Over the holidays I will be completing the final details, fixing those last pesky little typos that for the most part snuck into places other than the manuscript text (and therefore missed the excellent eye-work of all my advance readers). I’m thankful for all these pre-sale readers to help catch those before the first print book rolls off the press before the end of the year!
The book will be available for pre-purchase again (softcover and Kindle formats) soon on Amazon.com. Get your announcement via this blog by signing up for “New Post! notify” in the side margin.
I have made the decision to go exclusive with KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) Select for ebook sales. It means the book will be made available in more countries and also to Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. Though I know many of you use iBooks and other ebook-selling platforms, I’ve decided that going this route will enable me to reach the greatest number of readers with the least amount of complication––something I need at this point. Even those of us who use Apple devices, for instance, have the great Kindle App at our disposal…
After the 3 months of exclusivity are up, the book may be offered on more platforms. Would you like to see that? Which platform(s)? Do you have an opinion about KDP Select? Reasons you wouldn’t have gone (or didn’t go) that route? I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts in the comments below…
Wishing you and yours a VERY Merry Christmas.
Dann Robert Johnson
First-time author. Officially.